Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Child Traffickers Arrested in VN

I was reading VVAI (I want to publicly thank the women who run that blog for the hard work they put into it.) and this article was mentioned. It is referencing the arrest of four child traffickers. I am glad to see that these individuals were arrested, and the authorities did not just overlook it. It also makes it VERY real that it is going on . I never doubted that it was going on but this is in your face proof of it. I don't know how or if it will affect the agreement between the countries. Yet again, we just wait and see what happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out ... I'm glad to know there are people who find VVAI a useful resource. :)

I'm hoping that the VN authorities arresting traffickers is proof of them taking the issue seriously and that the US will see it as a true good faith effort and will therefore be more willing to negotiate the MOU. (or more quickly, or something like that?) I guess only time will tell ...