Monday, September 1, 2008

Sept 1st is here!

I have not visited this blog for a while. As I pull it up to write the last post on our VN adoption blog, I notice that we started this 1 year 5 months ago. WOW, never in a million years did I think 1.5 years after we started would we back to square 1. Enough about me.

I am not known for my writing skills so it is hard for me to put to words what my thought and feelings are right now. Others do it far better than I. Chandra just posted pretty much what I have been thinking. Go check out what she had to say.

It does seem that VN officials are cracking down on the trafficking by making arrests. Hopefully they are moving in the right direction to making their programs ethical.

So, I expect our dossier to be returned to us sometime in the near future. I does not look like they will allow our dossier to remain in VN waiting for the program to reopen in the future.